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What is SEMI?

SEMI stands for the Study of Elementary Mathematics Instruction.

SEMI aims to learn about factors that influence elementary early career teachers' (ECTs) planning and enactment of ambitious mathematics instruction. We define planning ambitious mathematics instruction as setting appropriate learning goals, developing and/or modifying tasks at appropriate levels of cognitive demand, and anticipating students’ thinking. We define enacting ambitious mathematics instruction as implementing tasks in ways that promote robust understanding and students’ agency in the process of learning mathematics.

SEMI is an ongoing project that investigates how early career teachers' (ECT) planning and enactment of ambitious mathematics instruction is affected by the knowledge and norms of members of their school-based social network?

SEMI was generously funded by the National Science Foundation and the William T. Grant Foundation.

Data were collected for the SEMI project between 2014-2017 in collaboration with eight school districts across 3 states. 

About Us: Overview
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